Day Camps
Gretchen Small
309 . 743 . 2701
The Day Camps are offered free of charge to Quad Cities summer daycare programs. With tightening budgets, daycare programs have difficulty finding affordable educational programs. These camps were created to fill this need for Quad Cities daycare providers. In addition, many summer daycare children have not experienced an educational camp. The William Butterworth Foundation Day Camps provide a fun-filled, quality experience for children ages 6-10. Contact Gretchen Small at 309-743-2701 or for more information.

Topics are chosen each summer for day camp and may include:

A Day in the 1830s:
The Westward Movement of the 1830s settled the Midwest as pioneers flocked to Illinois and Iowa to begin a new life. This day camp enables children to experience an important period in Illinois and Iowa history.

Spend a Day with Abraham Lincoln:
Learn interesting facts about the life of Abraham Lincoln. Through a variety of hands-on activities, kids will learn about the life of our sixteenth president. In addition, we will do some fun experiments with the Lincoln penny.

Exploring Nature around Deere-Wiman House:
Participants explore the Deere-Wiman grounds in small groups with a camp leader. Later, in the Deere-Wiman Carriage House, everyone learns about plants and animals that live around us through fun activities.

Digging Up History
Become an archeologist for the day. Learn about the exciting world of archeology. See what tools an archeologist uses and learn how to use them to discover what lies beneath us.

A Day at the 1893 World’s Fair:
Students take a trip to the Columbian Exposition, which took place in Chicago in 1893. By experiencing the culture, foods, architecture and industry of the time, students learn how the fair influenced the world. Participants enjoy six hands-on activities and lunch during this stimulating learning experience.

Charles Deere – A Life of Innovation
As John Deere’s son, Charles’ life was planned out. His father needed Charles to help take Deere & Company into the future. During camp we will learn about the many innovations that Charles saw during his life. A visit through Charles’ house and some science experiments demonstrating the innovations in his life will fill the day with fun.
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